Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I have to make an appointment or can I walk in?
Pennant Hills Medical Centre is an appointment based practice. Please call our friendly receptionists on 9484 1359 or you can book online to make an appointment.
2. Can I get an appointment on the same day?
Same day appointments are usually available and we do our very best to accommodate all appointment requests. In the case of any emergency always dial 000.
3. Do I need a long consultation?
If you are a new Patient at our practice it is recommended you book a long appointment. Any appointments for annual health checks including Cervical Screening Tests (Pap Smear), RMS medicals, mental health issues, skin check, CASA medicals, CAMS medicals all need long consultations.
If your appointment is for an Implanon removal or insertion or an excision we do require you to have an initial consultation with the Doctor first.
4. What should I bring to my appointment?
Bring your Medicare Card. If you don't have a Medicare Card we do require photo identification such as drivers licence, contact numbers for your next of kin and emergency contact, Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Health Care Card.
5. Do you offer home visits?
Home visits are organised with prior a prior agreement with the doctor.
6. What if I need an appointment after hours?
Our after hours doctors service provide home visits by qualified Doctors and can be reached by calling 13 74 25. Alternate after hours/emergency services include:
Hornsby Hospital Palmerston Road, Hornsby |
Tel: 9477 9123 |
Ryde Hospital Denistone Road, Ryde |
7. Are you a private billing practice?
Pennant Hills Medical Centre is a private general practice and we aim to provide the best medical care possible. Our fees are structured based on the time you spend with the Doctor as well as any procedures performed during your consultation. The fees charged by this practice also have to cover all of our operating costs such as medical equipment, electricity, computers, staffing and insurance. Today's medicare rebates do not cover the full cost of providing you with safe and high quality medical care. The Government has announced it will not be indexing the Medicare Schedule fees this year. Medicare Rebates have been frozen since 1 July 2014 and possibly will not be increased until 1 July 2020. If you hold a Pensioner Concession Card or Health Concession Card we offer a reduced rate for consultations.
Please advise your Doctor if you are suffering any financial hardship.
Fee Charged | Medicare Rebate | Out of Pocket | |
Level B Consultation (up to 20 mins) |
$84.00 | $39.10 | $44.90 |
Level B Pensioner Rate | $57.00 | $39.10 | $17.90 |
Level C Consultation (20 to 40 mins) |
$140 | $76.95 | $63.05 |
Level C Pensioner Rate | $99 | $76.95 | $22.05 |
Level D Consultation (more than 40 mins) | $175 | $113.30 | $61.70 |
Level D Pensioner Rate | $135 | $113.30 | $21.70 |
Home Visit | $150 | $67.60 | $82.40 |
Accounts need to be settled on the day of your appointment. We are connected to Medicare Online which means that we can lodge a claim to Medicare for your at the time of payment and your rebate will be in your account within 12 hours.
8. Can I ask for a Script or Referral without an appointment?
As long as you have been seen by a Doctor in this practice in the last 6 months,a referral or script without a consultation will be written and a fee of $15.00 is payable on collection of the scripts. Although your Doctor is always the one to make this decision.
9. How do I get a Medical Certificate?
A Medical Certificate can be provided by the Doctor at the time of your consultation. A Medical Certificate cannot be provided without an appointment and cannot be backdated so please telephone us early if you know you need a Certificate.
10. How do I get my test results?
At the end of your consultation, the Doctor will discuss with you the best way of you obtaining your results. You can always phone our friendly Reception Staff who can advise you whether your results are back and make you an appointment if appropriate to discuss the results with your Doctor.
11. Do you send Annual Reminders?
The Doctors at our practice care for the ongoing health of their patients. From time to time you may be sent reminders from your Doctors for Mammograms, Cervical Screening Test, annual blood tests, and bowel screening tests.
12. How do I transfer my records from my old Doctor to this practice?
It is very useful for your Doctor to have all your medical history on file. If you would like your medical records transferred please mention to your Doctor or our reception staff who will have you complete the necessary paperwork.
13. Is Pennant Hills Medical Centre an Accredited Practice?
Quality Practice Accreditation - GPA Connect.
14. Do you have Pathology Services close by?
Douglas Hanly Moir has a location in Pennant Hills
5 Hillcrest Road, Pennant Hills - Open from 8 am - 5 pm daily, located at the rear of the arcade.
15. How is my confidentiality/privacy maintained?
Medical Records are kept in the strictest confidence as per Standards set by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Privacy Act