COVID Vaccines
We will be doing the COVID boosters and child vaccinations in the new year.
Please give us a call in the first week of January for further information.
Zostavax (Shingles)
The National Immunisation Program now includes a free vaccine for patients aged between 70 - 79 for the protection of herpes zoster (Shingles).
Please talk to your GP about getting your Vaccine.
Prevenar 13
Prevenar 13 immunization is administered to vaccinate against Pneumococcal disease. It replaces the Pneumovax vaccination previously given at the age of 65 years.
Prevenar 13 is a single dose vaccination for patients 70 years & over.
Please discuss this vaccination with your GP, at your next consultation.
My Health Record
Have you spoken to your GP about registering for Ehealth? Here's a video that explains a little more about it, and if you want to know more, why not mention it at your next consult with your GP?